Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Logo Animation with Sound effects

I expanded on the logo animation by adding sound effects to it as I thought it would sound a little dull if we left the animation without any sound on it. To make the sound effect, I gathered 2 sound effects off of www.freesound.org and downloaded them. I did not need to ask permission to use as free sound is a website that allows you to use the sound for free with no permission. After I downloaded the 2 sounds I put them together to make one sound using VirtualDj, I then added the sound to the video using windows movie maker. 

Monday, 17 December 2012

Monday 17th December

Today in our lessons we made minor changes to our script to suit our footage. As we filmed some scenes which didn't fully follow are original script so we had to change it accordingly. During lunchtime today we are taking our three main characters down to the park to film the 'Park with the enemy' scene. After school today we are also taking the actor playing 'Lola' to Amy's to film the scenes with just her in it, such as the bathroom scene and the knife scene. After today we should have most of our footage filmed with only the last scene to film, which may have to be filmed during the start of January as the extras in the phone scene will be needed again and we cannot use them at the moment as they have exams over christmas.

Production Team Roles

Producer: Amy Jackson
Director: Mario Mantillas
Camera Operator: Kiaran O'Leary

These are the basic roles of our production team. Although we do not always stick to these roles we sometimes switch roles or assist each other in our roles so it is an all round effort.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Animation of Production logo

A logo animation that we created in Adobe After effects, this will be used for the beginning of our short film.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Production Company Logo

A logo I designed in Macromedia fireworks fx for our production company 'MAK films'. I may look to animate the logo so that it can be presented in the introduction of our short film.


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Monday, 19 November 2012

Cutting Practice

This scene was the first sequence we intended to film for our short film. After looking at the footage on final cut pro, we noticed several problems with the footage that caused us to re-do the scene in a different way. One problem we faced was the lighting, we found that it was too dark and the footage wasn't as clear as we would of liked. We also found that the continuity wasn't perfect, which would cause editing problems in the future. Instead, we decided to use this footage as cutting practice.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Cutting Practice

Cutting practice, edited on the macs. Produced to practice editing for short film.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Synopsis draft

This was a class excersise where we made a draft of our synopsis on the iMacs, we went round the classroom and wrote our opinions on eachothers drafts. In response to this feedback we are re-drafting the synopsis so that none of the problems labelled are present.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Medium Shot

This video was created to practice filming with the medium shot, which is commonly used in the production of social realism films.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Lighting in film production

A diagram I created on standard 3 point lighting

1st Production Meeting

Our first production meeting to share our ideas. Although we didn't finalise it into one idea we narrowed it down to 2 options; these will be discussed further and in our next discussion meeting we will have a finalised idea and will be discussing more detailed aspects of our short film such as camera angles, plot and roles.

Three Tears for Jimmy Prophet - Analysis

  1. Three Tears for Jimmy Prophet - Analysis

Saturday Night Sunday Morning Analysis + Example of similar film

Trailer for Saturday Night Sunday Morning:

This film fits inside the genre of social realism, it was originally a novel but the director 'Karel Reisz' decided to do an adaptation of the film. The film is about Adam Seaton, a young machinist in a factory in Nottingham. The main sub-genres of this film fall under: love, struggle, romance, affairs, deceit. The reason why this film is ultimately a social realist film is because all of these sub-genres are very applicable to the real world.

'Saturday Night Sunday Morning' highlights that life is a struggle, from typical Hollywood films there is no real message that is applicable to the real world whereas this film highlights the grittier aspect of life.

This Establishing shot of the scenery in which the film is set shows the urban area that Reisz is trying to portray to indicate to the audience how life was in this day. The shot shows the streets of Nottingham and the factory that the character works on. This indicates how close people lived to their workplace back then. The shot shows small terraced houses and empty streets, there is also very little cars on the road which is a massive difference from the present. One key thing with Social Realism is that their main purpose is to show what life was like at that time, I think this shot shows this about Saturday Night Sunday Morning.

Fishtank (2009) in some ways is very similar to Saturday Night Sunday Morning, the film fits under the same genre. The director chose an actor with very little acting experience to star as the main character in the film. This was to show an accurate view of what the characters life is like and this allows a very natural performance. Fishtank is similar to Saturday Night Sunday Morning because the main character is someone from the working class who is very similar to a lot of people in the same class. Both of these films indicate that everyone has their own story and that a dramatic and 'over the top' storyline does not necessarily make the best films.

Soft (2006) Video Analysis

An analysis of Soft, made on Sony Vegas 10, using Camtasia Studio to record the screen. Made mainly to play around with editing programs for editing techniques for my short film.

An Introduction to Social Realism